I do suggest exploring campus:
1. During a school day - People wander about in a daze. It's as though you were watching hundreds of opaque bubbles floating about. I seriously recommend attempting to make eye contact with everyone who passes you. Your very presence as a wild card (even if you're one of the herd on other days) will act as a foil to routine. This will almost inevitably make you feel mischievous and subversive. And who knows where that will take you...
2. At night - You might not think it would provide as rich a source for observation, but the campus at night speaks to me just as much as during the day. It's just that the dialog comes from the buildings and trees themselves. The dark and deserted buildings are intimate and conspiratory.
After sending the night in the MSC and climbing over every square inch of it over the years, I feel like an old friend is passing away now that they are remodeling it. Rudder tower actually complained to me once about all the students that nap there. He said he didn't mind me so much... I don't drool.
3. Pond hopping is a must before you leave. Play in the dirty water, sit on the jets, slide down the steps and proclaim your vitality as a young twenty-something year old.
Later I enjoyed drunken tanning with Brittany. We then proceeded to get sexy and model said sexiness in the bluebonnets on the median of 2818. Pictures to follow. Soon we're going to shoplift Aviator style sun glasses from Walmart and more sexiness will follow. Seriously... I might have to post a warning.
Thence to Caffe Capri for long overdue deliciousness and Revolutions to add layer of Irish coffee and self-conscious hippie artsiness. It is possible to be senuous around here; take it for what it is...
Student Socializing - We then shifted gears entirely and revealed in carefree tea drinking, karaoke and awkward head-dancing. This is also known as student socializing. You're not going to have a meaningful conversation (only convo); however, it is genuinely nice to see people you like, hug them and bob your heads to the music together. Besides, the mildly scandalous (and I mean mild) social milieu provides an edge slightly more entertaining than sitting on your couch, watching comedy central and turning in early. Hey, just think about it. OMG, DO YOU THINK THAT GUY IS GAY? NO, DAVID.
We sang "Faith" by Limp Bizkit. Well, Brittany did. Aaron sang the George Michael version and I was just there to look hot, which I accomplished with my sexy stare and sweet dance gyrations (see post to follow!). When the scroll got to the "Get the F*** up!!" part I did join in. Oh boy! I positively love screaming profanities - well, anything really - in public!
I guess this post is really about letting yourself be free to create and find magic... even in such a decidedly mugglian environment such as College Station.

You gotta KEEP FAITH!!
I'm the weird girl reading blog posts and laughing out loud [maybe a snort or two] in a public place. We had so much fun this day! I loved the conversation and even the convo wasn't so bad ;) I love the definition of Student Socializing. NAILED IT.
Keeping Faith in Muggledom