28 May 2009

Transitions... feel the burn

Sorry about the long absence... To say the least, the past few weeks have been tumultuous.

I moved out of College Station to deposit my belongings in a bedroom of my parents' house. I do not envision having an apartment again for quite some time. I have no job either here or in Brazil... which is unsettling.

I rarely worry about that sort of thing due to a bizarre sense of optimism, but you can tell the stress of uncertainty is beginning to weigh on me. I've started having nightmares every night at about three or four in the morning. They aren't scary either... they're accusing. Some person from my past troupes up to express his or her contempt for me. It's as though my subconscious were tying my penury and continued joblessness to every failed relationship or mistake I've ever committed.

Geez louise...

Nevertheless, there have been bright points in my time of waiting. I got to escape with old friends and new ones to Arkansas. Rigorous physical activity amid spectacular Ozark scenery will always be good for one's soul.

Also, I've been enjoying reconnecting with Dallas - a city I grew up in, but seem to be seeing for the first time, as it were. Everything's changed so much since I last lived here... as have I.

So here I am... waiting on calls and trying to find ways to make friends and stay occupied. I look at this time as a challenge to remain smiling despite the continuous stress ball at the pit of my stomach. With a little bit of grit, I will pull, punch and duct tape an amazing adventure in Brazil together that will provide you with delightful reading/viewing (that's right! viewing!) material for months to come.

Official leave date (as of now): June 27th... let's keep our fingers crossed.

p.s. These posts will not turn into a whiny David's journal, I promise. There's Dallas to explore! Here's a teaser for tomorrow's post - Dallas Chapter 1: Oak Cliff optical adventures!!

1 comment:

  1. You'll make it to my wedding! WHOOP!
    =]=]=] x 100000

    I like this post. It's real, not whiny. I like that you won't turn it into a whiny blog. Some people have those...they suck. But you're too interesting! And you'll have an amazing time in Brazil, FO SHO.

    See you SOON!
