28 October 2009

Capitals of the Southeast

Belo Horizonte would be a slightly pudgy, middle class, middle aged man - conservative, religious and balding. The type who wears black socks with his leather sandals. This guy is so cheap he makes change in the offering plate. He's so suspicious he greeted his daughter's prom date cleaning a shot gun. He ate at McDonald's that time his wife dragged him to Paris for vacation. Deep down though, despite all his grousing about all the riffraff lowering his property value to his buddies at the bar, he's really just a sweet family man who could probably stand a little more culture in his life.

Rio, on the other hand, is a shaggy haired, irreverent surfer dude. He works out everyday to keep his perfectly toned beach body ripped to make waves at the club where the all the girls (and quite a few men) go crazy when he gyrates his perfectly shaped ass. He likes rough sex, lots of pot and has no troubled obtaining either. If you visit him at home, his room is a disaster and there are dirty dishes covering the sink, but you don't really mind too much because his smile and conversation are so charming and well... he's gorgeous. While he's prejudiced and fights when he gets drunk, he also has a very sweet, vulnerable side under all the bluster that you can't help falling for.

This past weekend I went to Sao Paulo. Wow. A cool young professional. His impeccably stylish clothes are always flawlessly pressed. A sharp tongue and a relentlessly witty attitude makes his conversation sparkle. He charges down the street, briefcase in hand, eyes fixed ahead, focused and motivated. On the weekends, he dances hard under the club lights, music pounding, sweat pouring down his forehead. He's got money to spend: nice car, beautifully designed house in a ritzy neighborhood. Graduate of a prestigious university, he speaks dozens of languages and uses his money to finance the innovation in Brazil.

I could be friends with all of them, but who I'd want to live with...? Rio de Janeiro, for sure. What can I say? Drama aside, I've got a thing for hot boys with a naughty side. Just so much fun.


  1. Seems like Sex and the city, lol

  2. To get the fourth one, I'd have to go to Espírito Santo and meet Vitória.

  3. I love the descriptions. Have to say I would probably get along better with Sao Paulo.
