16 October 2009


I was getting breakfast on the street corner while a beggar tried to get my attention. He actually was waving his hands and jumping, "hey! hey, you!! Yeah, you at the register! HEY!! GIVE ME SOME MONEY!! hey! OVER HERE!!" As if I had some trouble noticing him.

Though I'm not going to give money to these guys, it pays to be chill about your refusal. I mean, they're making a living like everyone else; I'm not going to begrudge them respect.

This morning, however, I was irritated because there was no toilet paper, paper towels, coffee filters or water when I woke up this morning with a caffeine headache, a stopped up nose and a dry throat. Roommates...

Resigned, I got dressed and grabbed my last bit of change to stumble down to the corner for some coffee and toast.

Sure enough, "hey! hey, you!! hey! Money?! HEY!" It just aggravated me so much that he was shouting at me for money when he almost assuredly had more in his pockets than I had in mine. I HAD JUST COUNTED OUT DIMES FOR A R$1 CUP OF COFFEE.

In my raspy voice, without even turning my back I croaked out an abrupt "get lost."

Ugh... then my conscience was bothering me the entire cup of coffee. I burned my tongue a little too...

stupid Karma.

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