19 October 2009

I'm sorry... that's just annoying

Today I went out to buy some tupperware and some things at the supermarket.

But no.

Everything is closed for some ridiculous holiday. The Day of the Shop Worker... it would be. I was going to cook dinner tonight, but I guess we're going out to eat again. Better hurry before it's Waiter's Day.


  1. hahaha David, voce um dia se acostuma com o fato de que no Brasil qualquer dia e desculpa pra nao trabalhar ou estudar! =)

  2. That's it. I declare a Bartender's Day! (If there ever was a holiday needed, this is IT.)

  3. Tupperware you say? What is this tupperware you speak of? I just put my half-eaten plate in the microwave to chill and collect germs all day.
